A Guide to Atlanta -- Surviving Atlanta as an International Student
How to Balance Work and Play in a Foreign
Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Exploring Your Way across
the City
A Course Designed for EAP Settings
Jennifer R. Rose
Georgia State University
It’s well known
that when international students are connected to their community, they do
better academically, emotionally, spiritually, and are generally happier and
more productive. By “connected” here, I mean that students do better when they
embrace the target culture and beliefs of country they now find themselves
living within. Studies have been conducted showing that when students
participate with and integrate into their target culture, they rank benefits
from study abroad programs much higher and generally think better of their
study abroad experience. Barbara Freed cites Marriott, Siegal, and Reagan in
their exploration of politeness norms in Japan in saying that “immersion in the
target culture will exert a major impact on the acquisition of sociolinguistic
competence” (Freed, 1998). This work found that “students demonstrate
considerable change in their use of politeness phenomena after their sojourn in
Japan” (Freed, 1998). Berry also found that “that those who pursue the
integration strategy experience less stress, and adapt better than those who
pursue marginalization while those who pursue assimilation and separation
experience intermediate levels of stress and adaptation” (2008).
In her study
examining the “acculturation process of international student spouses,” Seyoung
Park found that when her participants reached out for help from community
members, they felt happier, less depressed, and better able to cope with the
demands that the English-speaking world threw at them (Park, 2016). During my
practicum course in the spring semester of 2016, I came across many students
who would tell me that they had no idea what to do or where to go for fun in
Atlanta. Many lived on campus, without transportation, so they were limited to
what public transportation could bring to their world. Even with
transportation, many are left without the linguistic knowledge to thrive in an
English-speaking country. The few that told me they had a car lived in the
suburbs, far away from the university and were limited to what family or
friends do on the weekend because of limited English ability and confidence. Even
with transportation, students often lack the linguistic and social confidence
to explore their new city on their own.
paper presents a course designed for international students studying in Atlanta
to better help them integrate into the culture of the city. The primary goal is
to present the course and the rationale behind its creation. Specific
objectives as to the creation of the course are obtained from Intensive English
Program students and from faculty and administrator interviews, following a
needs analysis protocol (Basturkmen, 2013). Hopefully, the proposed course will
help students feel a little more “at home” when studying away from home and
ease the adjustment process in a study abroad or intensive English program
Literature Review
Part I: A Look around
the Community
Many students come
to the US to study English with the idea that they know American culture but they
know what Gary Weaver refers to as “surface culture” (1986). In his paper, Cross-Cultural
Orientation: New Conceptualizations and Applications, Weaver refers to a
“cultural iceberg” where there are elements of culture that stand out and are
obvious to those looking in from a different culture (surface culture) and
there are those elements that are not so obvious, that a person would have to
spend time and dig a little deeper or be taught about through a class like this
(deep culture) (Weaver, 1986). Weaver sites surface culture as the “art, music,
literature, drama, dance, games, cooking, and dress” of the target culture.
While “deep culture” refers to things like ideas about “modesty, beauty, childrearing,
inheritance, cosmology, authority, courtship, sin, justice, work, leadership,
decision-making, disease, cleanliness, deportment, problem-solving, nonverbal
communication, relationship to nature, time, language, social interaction,
emotion, roles related to age, sex, class, occupation, kinship, friendship, and
individualism vs. collectivism” of the target culture (Weaver 1986). The idea
is that you can’t truly know a culture unless you’ve lived in it, talked to the
people and said more than “hello how are you,” or explored a city’s components
with a native of that culture. The class in question is meant to cover both --
as much as can be covered in 15 weeks, as well as give international students
the tools and the curiosity to explore more.
Georgia State University’s IEP has a method in place to
alleviate fear in students upon arrival – they begin with an on-site
orientation for a week before classes start where teachers and activities
leaders will tour campus and down town with students, letting them know where
essential activities are, where to go for class, to eat, to hang out between
classes, etc. They also supplement this with weekly community activities or
outings that are usually accompanied by a native-speaking chaperone. Many other
intensive English programs in the area take this approach and add an elective
course component to that by making it a required part of their program or an
elective course. Both approaches have benefits and drawbacks that will be
discussed later. Briefly, when students go on outings that are accompanied by a
chaperone, this is a good first step, but many feel like they don’t have the
skills to do this alone or with non-native speaking friends. They develop a
false sense of confidence because too much has been done for them when it comes
to language scaffolding, and when they must run the same errand or participate
in a similar activity, they experience stress that hinders the performance of
the task. The idea behind creating a class for activities is that you take some
of the responsibility away from the instructor or activities coordinator in
these activities and place that responsibility on the students. By creating a
15-week series of assignments to explore Atlanta, the hope is that somehow you
are going to create a community of learners that feels empowered to do this
explore the city thing by themselves after a few weeks of confidence-building
and background-building activities.
Before creating this class, I naturally wanted to look at
other programs to see what they offered. This was handled by exploring the
website of Georgia Institute of Technology’s Language Institute, where I
discovered the widest variety of elective courses where students can get to
know Atlanta. Listed here are some of my findings. As a part of their short course program this summer, Georgia Tech’s
IEP is offering a course in American Popular Culture, and lists in the
description that the course will include field trips to the CNN center and
World of Coke in Atlanta. These are certainly important places to know if one
is to live in the city (as well as ones of high interest to students), but I
think that they represent Atlanta’s surface or tourist culture – and are
certainly appropriate for short program courses. GSU IEP Director Allison Camacho
said in an interview that these are important to include in a class because
“students definitely want to see and experience these first” (A. Camacho, personal communication, July 16, 2016). [EF1] However, a student who is studying with an IEP long term is
going to want to dig deeper into Atlanta’s culture than popular tourist
destinations, and I have certainly taken that into account as I’ve designed the
course. GA Tech also offers an American Studies course to their ESL students,
in which students learn about the city of Atlanta, per their website course
description. As a part of this course, students learn about Atlanta “from a
historical and contemporary perspective, from slavery and the Civil war to
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement to the headquarters of
Coca-Cola, Home Depot, and CNN, and a vibrant music scene” (“Georgia Tech Language
Institute Course Catalog,” 2016). They state that course content comes from
lectures, movie segments, and field trips while students are responsible for
keeping oral and written journals as a part of their learning process” (“Georgia
Tech Language Institute Course Catalog,” 2016). This is more of what I was
envisioning when I started researching this project. So much of Atlanta’s
culture, feelings, and life in general comes from an area steeped in a rich
history that dates to the Civil War in general. Learners need to understand
this history to understand most of why Atlanta is what it is. Additionally,
when I looked at the elective courses offered as a part of GA Tech’s IEP
program, I didn’t see much in the way of culture offerings among standardized
test prep courses and an extra writing for STEM course in the mix. It’s
important to note, too, that GA Tech offers these courses to Intermediate to
Advanced learners, and that when designing a course of my own, my target
proficiency will be similar – there should be some sense of equal proficiency
among learners before they can set out to explore by methods of reading,
writing, and speaking to native speakers.
This institution
also offers an “upper level service learning English-course.” Per their
website, the course uses the “service-learning” established university strategy
to enhance student learning while meeting community needs. They state that “for
English language learners, service-learning provides a workplace setting for
applying language skills, as well as knowledge and appreciation of a local
Atlanta community and its residents” (“Georgia Tech Language Institute Course
Catalog,” 2016). They use the course to help international students “examine
causes and effects of poverty for children in the U.S.” while they work with
children and staff at Boys and Girls Clubs USA” (“Georgia Tech Language
Institute Course Catalog,” 2016). This is important because many international
students come to the US with images of wealth that have been painted for them
by their home culture. It’s important for ESL programs to paint a realistic
picture of life in the US while also promising a successful future here if
that’s what the student wishes. Many students come to study in the US with
hopes and dreams that go unfulfilled for years for a variety of reasons, and by
taking students into the community like this – educators can better help
students understand that poverty is a worldwide phenomenon, and not exclusive
to one or two countries they are familiar with.
The IEP at Georgia Southern University offers elective
courses in US culture, pronunciation, English through Film and Novels, current
events, standardized testing, and CALL but doesn’t list details of their
courses. The University of Georgia’s Intensive English Program website lists
elective courses in TOEFL, IELTS, and GRE preparation, along with idiomatic
expression and college 101 but does not mention of any kind of course in
American culture or population study. This knowledge combined is evidence that
there is a need for such a course about southern, Atlanta history and culture
in the IEP not just at GSU but state-wide, if students are going to call
Atlanta or the southeastern United States home for a good portion of their
lives while studying here.
Part II: Peer-Reviewed Journal Research
In their article in the English Language Teaching Journal
titled Bringing the Outside World into an Intensive English Program,
authors Lindsey Hillyard, Randi Reppen, and Camilla Vasquez describe the
“efforts of an intensive English program to design a class that addressed the
challenges of bringing authentic English into the curriculum” (Hillyard, et al,
2007). The course that they designed “exposed students to a variety of
authentic English language input while providing support” (Hillyard, et al,
2007). They describe a class where students volunteered with organizations in
the community that were linked with learning outcomes of other program courses
(Hillyard, et al, 2007) and go on to say that the course “consisted of class
meetings, electronic discussions, the community placement, paper journals, a
final reflection paper, and a capstone experience” (Hillyard, et al, 2007).
The authors in this article describe
their students as full-time IEP students who are mostly enrolled in Hotel and
Restaurant Management and other similar fields, so the emphasis on service and
helping others is relevant. Students are required to interact with the public,
so this would help them gain practice with that. They say that in the planning
stages of the course, they had to contact community organizations that would be
receptive to having students spend time at their business (2007). The authors
cite the many benefits of having different assignments for the course:
students got exposure to many different people, and many ways of interacting
with people, in addition to being prepared for future academic courses. During
the class sessions, students practiced role-playing situations they would find
in the community placements and in their journals and online discussion boards
they would talk about awareness of difficulties they’ve had (Hillyard,
et al, 2007) -- which was fuel for in-class
discussions. The authors also cite a benefit of this course as having students
interact with real-world listeners as opposed to “sympathetic” listeners in the
ESL classroom (Hillyard, et al, 2007).
Students become more aware of the “inside” world, they realized in their
placements that not all listeners were as sympathetic as their ESL teachers and
people at the university (Hillyard, et al, 2007). A limitation of this article is the small size of this university’s
IEP – they said they serve 20-30 students every semester, so obvious
adjustments would have to be made at an institution such as GSU, with a much
larger international student population served by their IEP. However, the
authors cite in their conclusion that “we believe that the design of the class
was crucial to its success – the careful articulation of local organizations’
expectations, the variety of related class activities and tasks, and the students’
enthusiastic participation coupled with the teacher’s commitment to the
successful implementation of this curricular innovation, created a valuable
learning experience for our students” (Hillyard, et al, 2007). The
qualitative feedback they quote from students and paired organizations all
proved that this was a course that benefited students greatly. They concluded
their paper by saying that yes, it was difficult at first but hard work in the
beginning and the multiple formats for instruction are what made this course
successful and was brought back for a second year. A quick glance at the
program’s current website make it unable to be determined if the course is
still being offered. Perhaps an area of further research would be to determine
why courses such as these have such a short shelf life, but that’s another
topic for another section. This article also made me think back to my
discussion with Camacho earlier – in her description of GSU IEP electives – “we
do offer a service-learning themed course, but it’s an oral communication
course for level 4-5” (personal communication, 2016) and it was only
established last semester by one of our instructors. In talking to the creator
of that course, Elizabeth McNab, she said it was incredibly difficult to
“manage student interest with community need” and many times students would
leave frustrated that they didn’t get as much as they would have liked out of
the course because they felt they were “serving” people (personal
communication, 2016). I can only imagine the headache involved for all in the
planning stage.
In their article titled Procedure: The Key to Developing
and ESP Curriculum found in TESOL Quarterly, author David M. Litwack
focuses his attention on industrial training that uses ESL training as an
essential component. Litwack (1979) outlines reasons for the use of an English
for Specific Purposes (ESP) curriculum and lays out the steps to creating an
ESP curriculum for a technology-oriented training program. Litwack includes
lesson formats and editing techniques in his curriculum creation procedure
(1979). An obvious limitation to this article is its age, however, some of the
suggestions the author gives are timeless in regards to the curriculum creation
process. Since this author is attempting to create a curriculum for what is
essentially ESP or EAP, she will cite some of the suggestions from Litwack in
the following paragraph.
The first step, says Litwack, in designing a curriculum is
to “analyze trainee and job needs” (Litwack, 1979). “English language training
design staff must determine what English communication needs trainees will
have, that is, what English will be used for on-the-job or in further
(job-oriented) training” (Litwack, 1979). He explains that staff must first
determine what learner needs are before beginning to create tasks. Having this
knowledge, an instructor can better tailor the curriculum and lessons to fit
the needs, and it is for this reason that no curriculum about getting to know
the inner workings of Atlanta is going to fit all learners. Every teacher that
looks at this curriculum should tailor it to his or her students’ individual
levels, but Litwack mentions that for each of the skill areas a basic set of “terminal
objectives” can be determined and that is the framework that the author will
take to establish this curriculum (Litwack, 1979). It is implied that once a
general set of learning goals are set, they can be modified to fit each
individual or group of learners. In Litwack’s course, he looked at reading
comprehension, listening comprehension, oral production, and writing to
establish a common set of learning outcomes (Litwack, 1979). Because the
individual learning outcome of his course is so specific to the content of the
course, it will not apply to the author’s current project and will be omitted
from this work. The author can and does create a standard set of learning
outcomes, but it is up to each teacher that teaches this curriculum to determine
specific learning outcomes for that group of students.
The second step in creating a curriculum, per Litwack is to
source classroom material (1979). By this he means that teachers should
carefully “locate authentic material to provide lesson texts and evaluation
instruments against which mastery of the objectives can be measured” (Litwack,
1979). Part of this task, he continues, includes but is not limited to “editing
the material to control lexis, structure, and rhetoric” (Litwack, 1979). This
is where curriculum creation for a teacher gets tricky. The author can create a
set of lessons generally for a population she has taught in the past – but it
would have to be updated each semester, as the city changes and the population
changes, not to mention the needs of the student body – they change too.
The third step he sites is to sit down and “write and edit
the material” (Litwack, 1979) and this, he says is closely linked to the
sourcing process. After the curriculum is sourced, written, and edited, the
next and fourth step per Litwack is to “write exercises to teach the material,”
“edit the material,” and finally as the last step to “pilot and revise the
material” (Litwack, 1979). What can the author take away from this? That
curriculum creation is not an easy or quick process. If it’s to be done with
quality, the author should follow a set of steps to source out material by
searching various sources and talking to various professionals in the field –
but that’s only the preliminary steps. What follows for the author is a careful
selection of materials based on learner needs and other factors such as access
to materials and transportation and people available. Even after the curriculum
is written, it should be piloted once or twice to ensure success and then
adjusted based on the pilot class. The author will consider these steps in the
creation of her own curriculum during the remainder of this project.
In their work titled The international program:
Curriculum design and assessment for and English-medium Economics program
in the Asian EFL Journal, authors Darrell Wilkinson and Raymond Yasuda outline an intensive English-medium Economics program
established to facilitate the development of various skills and knowledge
needed for students to achieve their goal of being successful members of the
international academic and business community (2013). The authors were working
in a three-year content and language integrated learning (CLIL) program to not
only provide students with the opportunity to take English-medium economics
classes, but also embed those courses through a series of English for academic
purposes (EAP) adjunct classes and study abroad opportunities (2013). The
program, they describe, systematically builds learners’ EFL skills and allows
students to better understand the English-medium lectures, actively participate
in academic discourses, and provide them with a host of useful skills for their
future international studies or employment (2013). The main take away the
author received from this article is that his course was embedded as a part of
a three-year program and did not sit separately in the Intensive English
Program. The course was embedded among other courses and study abroad
activities within the program. This is a recurring theme among successful IEP
elective courses, the theme of cohesion and communication between departments.
The author will keep this in mind when designing her course and future courses.
Courses should not only meet the requirements of the program they are embedded
with, but also provide students with “a host of useful skills for their future
international studies or employment” (2013). What does that mean for creators
of this curriculum? Teachers need to be aware of the needs of their students
and tailor learning goals accordingly.
In addition, Tajino, James, and Kijima
point out in their article Beyond needs
analysis: Soft systems methodology for meaningful collaboration in EAP course
design that “designing an EAP course requires collaboration among various
concerned stakeholders, including students, subject teachers, institutional
administrators, and EAP teachers themselves” (2005). They describe soft systems
methodology (SSM) as a method for gathering data that was developed in
management schools as “a learning system by means of which collaborative
pathways are developed in a systemic way to better understand complex human
problem situations” (Tajino, et al, 2005). They apply this to EAP curriculum
design because it “adds a new perspective to research methodology in EAP”
(Tajino, et al, 2005).
In his chapter “Introducing
Needs Analysis and English for Specific Purposes,” J.D. Brown suggests that
course creators ask themselves some questions before gathering data for the
course (2016). A few of these questions include but aren’t limited to: “Why is
the analysis being taken?” and “Whose needs are being analyzed?” (Brown, 2016).
The learners for the proposed survival in Atlanta English course would already
be enrolled in GSU’s Intensive English Program (international students studying
English in Atlanta) and have the choice to take this course as an elective with
their other course work. Given that many have experience with the courses and
English for Academic Purposes, the proposed course would provide them with an
opportunity to use this knowledge and provide them with skills to successfully
find an area of interest in Atlanta or find something to do that requires
interaction with locals in the city. The course would be taught, ideally, by
someone who was familiar with the city or has lived here for at least a year
and is proficient in the English language. If no one can be found with that
criteria, the proposed teacher should be willing to learn about the city and
eager to share knowledge with students. Helen Basturkmen asserts “ESP is
understood to be about preparing learners to use English within academic,
professional, or workplace environments, and a key feature of ESP course design
is that the syllabus is based on an analysis of the needs of the students”
(2010). Because of this, the proposed course would be fluid and flexible from
semester to semester. If a group of learners enters the course and is
interested in Atlanta tourism and the careers in hospitality in Atlanta, the
course can take that approach, but it doesn’t have to. My hope is that once
they finish the course, the learners will be empowered to teach others and help
new international students with the same skills. Basturkmen also insists that
“in ESP, language is learnt not for its own sake or for the sake of gaining a
general education but to smooth the path to entry or greater linguistic
efficiency in these environments” (2010). This is exactly what a course such as
this one proposes to do. Learners will already be learning English or have
already had some exposure to the language – I want them to move beyond this and
use the language to explore a city they are unfamiliar with or, if they are
familiar with the city, find a part of the city that they didn’t know existed
and explore that. Learners will gain a greater “linguistic efficiency” for
their purposes while in Atlanta. I have also used Nation’s and Macalister’s
(2010) guiding questions of “What will this course be used for?” and “What
content matter will the learner be working with?” when designing a needs
analysis for this course.
Rationale for Course: International Students’
Over my time in
the MA program at GSU, I have learned by talking to IEP students that they
often come blindly to Atlanta and GSU. They are excited for the opportunity to
study in the United States but don’t know much about Atlanta or stay with
family outside of the city. If they have transportation, they are still
isolated because they lack the confidence to explore (or drive in Atlanta
traffic) on their own or with other international students. Many IEP students
chose Atlanta because they have a relative living here and are not completely
alone, but there are some that come here because they want to be away from
family and have more of a chance to practice the language in authentic
Needs Assessment Tools
ensure the success of the proposed course, certain measures will need to be
taken in data collection around the community and institution. Initially, a
poll of the students will be taken to assess their desire and interest in a
course such as this, along with what it is they want to know. (Appendix A shows
the questions I would ask potential and current students.) Brown suggests, “use
whatever inside connections you have to enter the institution you want to
study” (2016). Since I am a member of the graduate student faculty at the
institution, I am already an insider in this institution, and can therefore
gain access to teachers and administrators for questioning and interviewing.
Some teachers and administrators are busier than others, and thus will answer
questions via email in written form (Appendix B). Some will sit with me and
answer my questions in person. I will identify key personnel who will help me
achieve this task. For example, the director of the program, the activities
coordinator, and a teacher who has been living in Atlanta and teaching in the
program for at least ten years all make great candidates for information of
this nature. Brown also suggests to “go through proper channels and seek
appropriate permission in early and subsequent stages of the needs analysis
process” (2016). This advice will be heeded. Basturkmen (2010) also points out:
“perspectives of needs vary and the needs analyst has to decide whose
perspectives to consider in designing ESP courses or synthesize divergent
perspectives (Jasso-Aguilar, 1999). For this reason, it is important to talk to
a variety of people both in the institution and outside of it and triangulate
data before developing the course.
also think it is appropriate to get an idea of what linguistic materials and
target structures students will need to produce while exploring Atlanta. For
this, I will gather brochures, pamphlets, and take pictures of signs at popular
community destinations so that I will have an idea of what students will need
to understand while making the course. This can be accomplished by visiting
local tourist attractions (CNN Center, Aquarium, Centennial Park for starters)
and collecting manuals and things to analyze and create a working corpus of the
city. Brown suggests “remember to do three things: listen, listen, and listen.
You are not there to give your opinion. You are there to find out what other
people are thinking” (2016). This can be applied both to the interviews and the
data collection. While walking around and gathering information, the data
collector will listen with an open mind and think about what international
students can possibly gain from each situation while there. Brown also suggests
to “use a variety of NA sources so that you can compare and contrast the
information results that you get” (2016) and this will be taken into
consideration as well. I will also poll community members and business owners
(coffee shop owners, restaurant owners, theater employees for example) as to if
I would be welcome with a group of international students at their place of business
(Appendix C). The questions for those can be found at the end of this document
as well. In addition, students will be given an evaluation packet at the
beginning of the course to assess baseline proficiency to help with materials
selection and assess initial student interest and to get to know the learners
(Cortes, 2016).
on the data and analysis done, a syllabus will be created and adjusted
throughout the semester. Constant feedback will occur during the implementation
of the course to assess student learning and interest and what portions of the
curriculum should be kept and what should be left out of a current course for
the learners at hand. With team work and constant feedback from all
stakeholders, the aim of the course is to improve the lives of international
students while in Atlanta and thus improve a program of study for all involved.
Basturkmen (2010) claims
that, “The learners are often asked for their perceptions of needs but they may
not be reliable sources of information about their own needs, especially if
they are relatively unfamiliar with the job they are to perform or the subject
they are to study” (Long, 1996). Of course, the learners are stakeholders in
this course, and they are the ones that this this course is being created for –
and thus, the course will be modeled around their needs. A complete
questionnaire for them will follow, at the end of this document as well.
Basturkmen also highlights the differences between language needs and learning
needs by saying “Language needs are not learning needs. Although learners will
need to use certain language structures or features in their target
environments, this does not mean that they are ready to acquire them”
(Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). For this reason, proficiency will be
considered, and the course will be offered to students that are at a certain
level in the program and will follow the scope and sequence of the Intensive
English Program for that level. Since the IEP already offers a proficiency test
for students and they are leveled based on this test, the course developer will
need to use this tool in addition to additional methods of assessing
proficiency for this course to be successful. One of my questions to the
administrators should include what level they think is appropriate for this
kind of course and materials selection must consider the level of the students
for that semester.
Per a survey I
conducted on July 15, 2016, in the class that I taught this summer, I
discovered the following results. I gave them the opportunity to write their
answers but also talk about their answers in class. IEP student Mary (name
changed) replied, “I didn’t chose, my family chose for me.” Because this was an
oral communication course, I used this as an opportunity to create extra discussion.
When I asked Mary to tell me more about that statement, she explained that she
chose Atlanta because she only knew one person here, her uncle, and she had
relatives in other parts of the country. She said she needed to be in a place
where she didn’t know anyone else because she wanted to challenge herself and
not rely on her family to help her. Mary also said that she felt “bored, lost,
and sad” when she was asked to describe her first week in Atlanta. When I asked
her what her favorite things to do in Atlanta are, she didn’t have any
non-academic answers. She replied to this question by saying “My favorite
things to do in Atlanta are studying to have good grades.” It was clear from
the rest of her response what her goals were: “to finish early and come back
[to] my home town.” Mary said she would take such a course about the history
and culture of Atlanta because she “needs to speak and write English well to
continue with my major.” Mary is like other students -- she seems to enjoy the
process of studying English in Atlanta, but needs a little more guidance as to
what is here and why it’s here. Another student surveyed in the same class said
he chose Atlanta to study because it’s a “beautiful city and there are a lot of
places to spend free time and I have some friends here.” The same student found
the IEP through a website and has been to places like Piedmont Park and the
mall but said he would take a class such as this because he is an international
student and wants “to learn more about Atlanta, the good parts and safety,” per
the results of the same survey. This student also wanted to learn more about
Atlanta’s history and fun places to go in Atlanta while studying.
Another student, John (name changed), seemed to have other
reasons for taking such a course. John came to Atlanta because he had family
here, and is living outside the perimeter with his family and commutes to
school. John seemed to have one question that baffled him, which was, “I do not
know why this city has so many homeless, especially downtown near my university,”
per this survey. When he asked this question in class during discussion, other
students became interested and I could tell this was a question that baffled
them as well. It baffled them because everything they had ever been taught
about America in their home countries had contradicted this. After all, the USA
is supposed to be the land of the rich and the home of the brave, right? John,
like many other international students, received a rude awakening upon
enrolling classes, that yes, there is poverty here too -- but no one explained
why. A course such as this would help explain why Atlanta is so diverse
economically, racially, and geographically.
Still another student, Aaron (name changed), said during
the same survey on the same day that he chose Atlanta to study because the city
had similar weather to his country had heard good things from other students
about the IEP here. He said he had studied English in his country for several
years, but it was completely different than the English he heard spoken on the
streets of Atlanta. His response to the question of how he felt when he was
here for the first time was, “I was scared, I can’t understand the accent, and
I can’t describe how I want to say,” according to the survey results. He went
on to say that he got much help from the IEP staff at GSU, the activities
coordinator and a few others helped him read a map and took them on outings to
famous places like the Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coke the first week
they were here -- helping him navigate MARTA at the same time. He said that he
would take such a class because he “wants to know more about US culture and
history” and he also says “I really love Atlanta now.” Aaron’s experience is a
testament to what a supportive environment can do for a willing international
student that needs that extra push to experience the world around him. Imagine
where he’d be without the activities coordinators – a course like the one
proposed in this paper would provide a requirement for all these things – and
make Aaron’s experience universal to any student that takes it, not just the
ones that happen to go on the activities that are optional to the program.
In addition to
this survey, I also conducted a survey on a different day, with a different
class. This can be found in the back of this paper as well, and the following
results were found.
Trend 1: Reasons for coming
to Atlanta and Georgia State University
When it comes to reasons for choosing the area of
Atlanta, students tend to have family or friends already in the area or if they
don’t they like the climate here. In response to question 1: “Why did you
choose Atlanta to study when you came to the US?” 54% of the respondents said
they have friends or family in the area as their main reason for choosing
Atlanta as a place of study. The remaining students said that the weather was
their primary reason for choosing Atlanta as a destination to study abroad. When
it comes to reasons for Georgia State University (Question 2) the trend is very
similar. 54% cited their reason for choosing GSU was either friends, family, or
students in their home country studying at GSU previously and recommending the
experience. The others cited an internet search and the general reputation of
the program as their reasons for studying at GSU’s Intensive English Program.
Similar trends were found for how they heard about the program (Question 3).
27% of respondents indicated they searched the web for a place to study English
while another 27% of respondents misunderstood the question and replied with
“good” or “useful.” It’s at this point where I can acknowledge the format of
the questions in this questionnaire and language proficiency of the learners.
It might have been more helpful to have the questionnaire feature questions
that are more than free response questions to eliminate this confusion in the
future. This can be attributed to my inexperience as a researcher with this
population and adjust methods for future surveys.
Trend 2: Attitudes on
Culture Shock and Initial Impressions of the City
In response to this group of questions, similar results
also presented themselves. The most obvious being the answers to question 4: “Describe
how you felt on your first week in Atlanta.” 54% of the respondents responded
with a positive feeling, which maybe a result of the honeymoon effect when
studying abroad. The remainder of the respondents answered either neutrally or
negatively, the most extreme of which said, “An unexpected thing happened. My
first week was a disaster.” Again, more information could have been obtained by
doing interviews, but time did not allow for this assignment. It also tells me
that there should be room in the curriculum for emergency English instruction
and practice if these situations are happening to students. 54% of respondents
said they had someone show them around when they were here on their first week,
but it was brief and the answers to the following questions indicate it wasn’t
enough to be sustainable. The remainder of participants did not have anyone to
show them around Atlanta and listed activities such as sleeping as their
favorite things to do. When asked how they felt when they first moved here, only
one respondent answered negatively, saying they felt “homesick, and a bit
depressed.” Two respondents did not respond to this question, and the others
had overall positive comment such as “excited and nervous,” “It was like a
‘honeymoon’,” and “People are friendly.” In response to question 6: “What did
you like best when you first moved here?” 54% commented on how nice the weather
was in Atlanta. The remaining respondents commented on how clean the air was
(in comparison to their city in China) and how clean their dorm room was.
Another respondent commented on the good quality of the food and the
friendliness of the people.
Trend 3: Language Abilities
and Other Comments
Specific problems in the city from a students’
perspective relate to traffic, renting an apartment, and navigating a hair
salon and giving instructions to a hair stylist, as answers to question nine
indicate. One respondent indicated “I live in an area where the public
transportation is inaccessible” in response to what specific problems they have
encountered while living here. Another student tried to explain to a hair
stylist what they wanted and found it difficult to do so. These responses make
it a little easier to develop goals for a class but they also give me insight
into the research process once more. I can now develop more comprehensive
questionnaires that are not in use that may be more helpful in the future.
Respondents told me that they wish someone had told them about the traffic,
about rules and habits in Atlanta, and everything was when they don’t have a
car. I can take this information directly and consider it when making
curriculum decisions for this course. I can also decide to interview students
for further insight. This is what students want to know when studying in Atlanta.
My activities should be designed to assist students in these areas, among
others. Students rated themselves 4-8 on a scale of 1-10 in how comfortable
they felt with Atlanta and their language abilities while here. This tells me
that there is a need for a class such as this from a student perspective.
Conclusion: Importance of
Survey Results and Next Steps
Many students surveyed (63%) said they would take a
course such as this if it was offered, even though more participants are needed
to draw any conclusions. This tells me that with this group of students, a
class such as this would be wanted, needed, and appreciated, which was my goal
in giving this part of the needs analysis.
From a student perspective, this class is very much welcomed, which helps
in defending this to administrators and teachers. The results of the survey
also tell me the importance of specificity in creating goals for each time this
class is taught, so this survey would have to be repeated with each teaching of
the course. Next steps include completing the rest of the needs analysis
protocol and gaining a greater sample size. I need to talk to administrators,
more students, and teachers to gain their perspective. I also need to interview
community members and business owners in Atlanta and gain their perspective. In
addition, the written survey format allowed me to get an idea of where students
were in their written language development, so I think next steps would have to
include a language test as well so that materials can be selected to be
appropriate for learners in a course such as this. I would also love to create
a corpus of language students need to survive in Atlanta based on these and
other results.
Many students lack
the knowledge of the history and culture of the city, which limits
decision-making ability. I think about my own study abroad and living abroad
situations – limited in language and knowledge of the target culture, I would
try to venture out to a restaurant or museum as “something to do beside sit in
my apartment” and end up getting lost on the subway and come home to my
apartment five hours later defeated. Or if I did make it to my destination I
would try to order lunch or tickets to a given event and end up frustrated
because I wasn’t pronouncing something correctly and give up at this stage,
still defeated, still frustrated. This can all be daunting to a student new to
Atlanta, and I believe if we as instructors, administrators, and language
teaching professionals work collaboratively much can be done to alleviate this
fear in students.
Rationale for the Course: An IEP Director’s Perspective
I talked to Georgia State University’s Intensive English Program (IEP) Director
Allison Camacho, she was not only excited about the prospect of a course of
this nature but also provided some important insight from an administrator’s
perspective, something that a teacher or course developer is not as likely to
see. Although Camacho is currently the director of the Intensive English
Program, she is also an instructor, so her opinion is of double value here.
First, she said “it is extremely important that IEP students see tasks in their
program that are going to be required of them as an undergraduate when they
leave our program” (Camacho, 2016, personal communication) in response to a
question about what the IEP looks for in a good EAP (English for Academic
Purposes) elective course.
Camacho went on to
explain that “our courses are more authentic with materials that they are
likely to see either in the world or in their future classes” (A. Camacho,
personal communication, 2016). By authentic, she gave the example of the
structure and composition writing courses her program offers. She explained
that they are doing more to ensure students learn more than just the 5-paragraph
essay, because that is not the only thing they will see when they enter
undergraduate classrooms upon leaving the IEP. She cited action research that
is being done by her colleague Diana Wrenn in the department – going into
undergraduate classrooms and looking at what those professors are requiring of
their students, and applying those findings to the IEP curriculum. These are
findings that led to the IEP’s authentic, research-based curriculum – and
advantage that GSU’s IEP has because it’s part of the academic Applied
Linguistics department. She also explained that in the 15 years since the
Intensive English Program has been in existence, there hasn’t been a whole lot
of elective courses simply because the courses they offer need to meet student
expectations; that is, they need to be courses that give them the competitive
edge over other international students to both enter and succeed in
undergraduate coursework.
GSU has offered
elective courses in the past, such as the extensive reading courses where
students read a novel and respond to it in various ways, or test prep courses
for standardized tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS, but that is about the extent
of the elective coursework offered at GSU (Camacho, 2016, personal
communication). Camacho also said that elective courses “give students more
options and mirror what students should be doing after they leave our program”
(2016, personal communication). I then asked Camacho what the top priority
should be when creating a class for and EAP curriculum if that changes if that
course is an elective. She replied that “the top priority should be to have
clear learning outcomes and that any curriculum should stick to those learning
outcomes” (2016, personal communication). She then remarked that the only difference
is that an elective course has the freedom to “consider the interest level of
the students” (2016). She then commented that “it’s a difficult balance to
achieve, matching learning outcomes with student interests and trying to fit
that to make it relevant to student’s lives” citing an example of how she
changed the level 4 curriculum to marketing content after realizing that a clear
majority of IEP students were wanting to declare majors in marketing in the
future (Camacho, 2016). She also mentioned that the IEP is constantly changing
courses to meet student interests and needs, and for this she cited the example
of the oral communication classes for levels 4 and 5 experimenting with topics
in service learning and cultural taboos while still maintaining the learning
outcomes they will need to help students succeed in university life. She
explained that the goal of core classes was to help with undergraduate
admissions, while elective classes can serve other purposes (Camacho, 2016) and
she remarked that “having an IEP is like having a business” because if you
don’t specialize in something that others don’t you end up getting looked over
by students as customers (Camacho, 2016).
I then asked her
about the process to get a course approved for use in an IEP setting – as it
relates to electives – and I learned that this was not as simple as it sounds.
Her statement to me was “we have to be careful about which courses are going to
be a part of a core curriculum, because if we start offering electives the admissions
process [for our students] becomes a lot more complicated” (Camacho, 2016,
personal communication). She advised me and other teachers to go back to the
mission statement of the IEP and consider what students were going to gain from
a course, and tailor the course to meet those needs. She then urged me to talk
to other teachers for ideas and crowd source activities and learning outcomes
to ensure the most beneficial learning environment for students. Names she
mentioned included those that were not around this summer (Debra Snell,
Margaretta Larson, Diana Wrenn, and Johnathan McNair among others). In talking
to Diana Wrenn, her advice to me was to find authentic materials and stay away
from formulaic ESL materials – go to the Atlanta Visitor’s Center website
instead of Dave’s ESL Café and the like (Wrenn, personal communication, 2016).
She speaks from personal experience as someone that has led exchange programs
of students here for short-term programs and long-term programs.
The Proposed Course: Syllabus Description
section will be dedicated to describing the syllabus that will be in Appendix A
of this paper. The course will be 15 weeks in length and divided into learning
outcomes that encompass reading, writing, speaking, listening, and presentation
skills. The goal of this course is for high-intermediate through
advanced students to explore Atlanta through an academic lens – and allow
students to become familiar with a part of Atlanta they aren’t already familiar
with. Because
I have been teaching in the Intensive English Program, I found it easiest to
borrow the format from an oral communication course (since students are already
familiar with this format). The goal is for students to become more familiar
and confident with various places around the city. On the first day of class,
the syllabus will be handed to the students but so will a questionnaire for
currently enrolled students. The idea is students will guide the purpose of the
course with their answers. This can be found in the appendices as well. During
the 15 weeks, students will explore areas of Atlanta in an organized fashion. I
have designed it so each week is a different neighborhood of Atlanta, with
speaking and listening and reading and writing activities on Monday and
Wednesday followed by a field day on Friday – having the students explore that
area on the final day of the week. By the end of the course, students will have
an idea of the areas they have explored and should decide where they would live
if they were moving – and must give a presentation about their decision-making
process to fit the learning outcomes of the course.
many students are familiar with social media and communication there, I have
designed that into the course as well, with a Facebook page students will be
required to visit and post throughout their exploration of Atlanta. If current
events fit into the learning outcomes that semester, students will be
encouraged to explore those events and how they affect the Atlanta area and the
neighborhood they are studying that week.
and speaking tasks will be built into the semester as the instructor sees fit.
The class should take a communicative approach to language instruction, but
also use corpus tools to guide the language that is taught throughout the
course. Homework will be given, but it will be strictly aligned with the course
learning outcomes and may take the form of “go to a restaurant and order a meal
in English” and report back to the class (via Facebook posting or class
discussion) about your experience. Students will be encouraged to be reflective
about their learning and growth as the semester progresses.
and Conclusion
I have discussed the literature reviewed in creating a course and creating the
course itself, and considered potential outcomes of creating such a course. Most
importantly, though, is the notion that course creation is a fluid process. I
can think of what I would want in the course based on solid evidence-based
research (presented here). If it doesn’t match what the program needs or what
the students need it will be useless if it doesn’t have an audience. This
course is a trial and error process, and once it is taught feedback from
students and instructors will be taken into consideration for improvement in
future courses. Assessment measures will also have to be developed to match the
learning outcomes of the course, and part of those will include rubrics to go
with speaking assignments and presentations, but part of assessment will also
be self-assessment on the part of the students. I envision assessment to be on
going and sustainable too, in that each instructor should match the assessment
to the group of students each semester.
Appendix A:
Course Syllabus
Intensive English Program
Department of
Applied Linguistics and ESL
Georgia State
IEP 0000: An Insider’s Guide to Atlanta: Reading,
Writing, Speaking, and Exploring Our Way Across the City
Spring 2017
*A note on copyright: This format was borrowed from Allison
Camacho’s IEP 0740 Spring 2014 syllabus. This course is going to follow the EAP
learning outcomes for an Oral Communication course very similarly, because the
nature of the course is so similar*
Instructor: Jennifer R. Rose
Office: 25
Park Place, 15th Floor
Phone: 770-856-4640
E-mail: jrose19@gsu.edu
By appointment
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays: 12:00
– 12:50
Location: All over Atlanta, but we will probably meet in Sparks Hall 309 for class
Required Texts
and Materials
there are no current required materials, it may be helpful to invest in a map
of Atlanta, or have access to a smartphone with a GPS system (google maps will
be a good resource for you during field trips or independent excursions).
Newspapers and Print Materials
the course you will be required to consult various online sources such as
newspapers, magazines, websites, message boards, or other print materials
discussed and distributed over the weeks that unfold during this course. It is
your responsibility to become familiar with these resources and how to use them
to best fit your needs.
IEP 0000
Facebook Page
will be doing a fair amount of posting to a private Facebook page created just
for this class. Think of this as your “ticket to Atlanta.” You will be required
to post here once weekly – so that others will have an opportunity experience
what you experienced that week.
- A Large 3-Ring Binder (for notes
and to collect any handouts and have them in one place throughout the
- A computer with internet access
(this is available at GSU computer labs and libraries if you do not have
one at home)
- An open mind and spirit of
adventure (and a smartphone helps too!)
Course Goal,
Objectives & Learning Outcomes
An Insider’s
Guide to Atlanta: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Exploring Our Way Across
the City
The goal of this
course is for high-intermediate through advanced students to explore Atlanta
through an academic lens – and allow students to become familiar with a part
of Atlanta they aren’t already familiar with. During this course,
international students will learn more about the history and culture of
Atlanta in an interactive and communicative way while becoming adept members
of an academic community at the same time. You as a student will learn more
about the communities of Atlanta while practicing and mastering communication
strategies needed for a fulfilling life both at GSU and in the community. At
the end of the course, you should decide which community suits you the most and
present to your classmates why you would want to live there.
Course Objectives
Student Learning Outcomes
The objectives of
this course are for high-intermediate to advanced students to practice the
conventions of communicating in the American university classroom while
exploring what it means to live in Atlanta. While taking this course, students will complete
academic listening, speaking, and note-taking tasks, and improve
Presentation Skills
Organize one two-part
presentation (pairs or groups) and one group presentation in which each
student speaks for 3-5 minutes
Speaking and
Listening Fluency & Usage in Academic Settings
Participate in
conversations/discussions and reach group decisions
Use fixed phrases to support
opinions, hypothesize, agree and disagree, and interrupt politely during
comprehension of the academic content given in different
classroom formats (lectures, listening activities, readings, or classroom
field trips)
Fulfill tasks that require
students to take the initiative to speak English outside the classroom
Identify and produce
intonation patterns during discussions and presentations
Use correct rhythm, stress,
and word endings to maintain comprehensibility during discussions and
Course Grade
order to pass this course, you must receive a grade of a “C-” or higher on the
course work.* Your course
grade will be computed as follows:
Activities 10%
Postings Online 20%
Quizzes 30%
Presentations 30%
Project 10%
(See GSU
grading guidelines for letter grades and other assessment guidelines)
Assessment of
Level 3-5 Learning Outcomes
the semester, your instructor will assess your progress in meeting the learning
outcomes through a variety of classroom and homework activities as well as more
formal assessment such as exams and presentations. You are expected to
demonstrate that you have met the course outcomes (receive a “C-” grade, 70% minimum)
in order to advance to the next level. If you are a level 5 student, you will
need a C- or better to exit the program satisfactorily.
Homework and in-class
activities help you practice your English. They prepare you for quizzes,
tests and other major assignments. They show you and your teacher your
progress toward meeting the learning outcomes of the course. Some of these
assignments will be graded. Graded homework and in-class activities make
up 10% of your overall grade in the course.
will be given homework in this class (daily), and it is very important that you
complete all of your homework assignments.
Assignments permit you to practice and apply the concepts we are
studying, and they also provide the basis for the next day’s class work. Sometimes your homework will be to complete a
post on the website about an outing you have completed. Sometimes you will have
to complete an outing and share it with the class the next day. Sometimes you
will have written homework about the history of Atlanta in order to help you
better understand the area. These types of activities will often be done at
home, on the message board, or individually as you prepare for your in-class
The LARC &
you may need to go to LARC (Language Laboratory in General Classroom Building
(GCB) 128) to complete your homework or classwork, to access software there, or
you may need to go online and record your voice using our class’s Desire2Learn
website or other software. You can
record your voice at home (if you have a headset and microphone) or at the
LARC. There is a sign posted outside of
the LARC that states specific times when it is closed for testing. Please make
a note of these dates and times, so the closings do not interfere with your
work or attendance in the LARC.
We will also
use Desire2Learn several times this semester, especially for homework
assignments. Desire2Learn is an
e-learning program (online) at Georgia State University that has many
tools. On Desire2Learn, you can find
assignments, class power point presentations, links to important websites and
course handouts. On Desire2Learn, you
can also hold asynchronous
discussions with classmates and even
record your voice! Don’t worry. We will talk about Desire2Learn in class so
that you will completely understand how to use it. The Desire2Learn website will be very
important in this class. Homework assignments, reminders, and other important
materials for this course will be given through both Desire2Learn and your
email account. Therefore, it is very
important that you check your GSU email account daily. After we learn about using the Desire2Learn
website, you should also check the site frequently. For now, if you’d like to take a look at the
Desire2Learn website, go to www.gsu.edu and click on the
Desire2Learn link under the “Students” menu.
will talk about Desire2Learn
and the LARC in class so that you understand how to use it! We will even go on a tour of the LARC
together as a class and use Desire2Learn
tools that day).
How Much
Homework Will I Get?
this class and in your future college courses, you should plan to do
approximately one hour of homework for every hour in the classroom.
**In other words, for this class, you should
plan to do approximately 3 hours of homework each week.
will not collect and grade each assignment because often you will get the
feedback you need from class activities. However, in order to give you credit
for your work and to let me know who is prepared to participate in class
discussions, I will often monitor your homework and record how much of it you
have done.
be beneficial, homework must be done on time.
Homework will earn either a number grade or a check plus (Ö
+ = 100% A), a check (Ö = 75% C), a
check minus (Ö- = 50% F), or
a zero.
Homework is
due at the beginning of the specified class period (usually on the front
desk unless otherwise directed). Have it
ready to turn in before you come to class. I do not accept homework at the end of
class (unless there is a special circumstance.)
Generally, no make-up or late homework will be allowed.
Exceptions are rare and will only be granted at the instructor’s discretion.
the goal of this course and other IEP courses is generally to prepare students
for life in academic settings that follow, students will be provided
opportunities to realize that mainstream instructors expect all students to
participate in class discussions.
Mainstream instructors find lack of participation in class discussions
to be considerably more troubling than ESL students’ nonnative pronunciations
or accents. Students will also be given
opportunities to see that development of students’ listening-to-learn abilities
is closely tied to development of their speaking-to-learn abilities. Class participation is noted on a regular
basis and is also a part of the listening assessment process. Failure to respond to questions, provide
feedback, or take part in group discussion will negatively affect the
instructor’s evaluation of listening abilities and material comprehension. It
is understood that this may be more difficult for those students coming from
cultures where speaking out in class is not generally done, but it is a
requirement in this class. Your ability to succeed in an academic setting is
affected by your willingness to adapt, within the classroom environment, to the
expectations of college professors in the U.S.
Postings Online
this course, you will be required to participate in community outings on your
own or in a small group once per week. You can do these with people in this
class, or people outside of class. The purpose of the outings is to allow you
to put what you learn in class into practice and let classmates know about what
you experienced. You will be required to reflect on your outings via postings
to the group page once weekly as well. The postings will allow you to process
the outing and how it went (or what can be improved) and allow you let others
experience the event as you experienced it too. The postings will also help you
as you think about your final project and what you want to present to the class
re: a neighborhood you would like to live in or work in in Atlanta.
are organized discussion related to lecture and reading materials. You are
given a set of discussion prompts to think about; during the quiz only some of
the prompts are given. In groups of 3-5 students, you should articulate their
thoughts/opinions. The prompts will come from what we have discussed in class
and on the outings.
are individual presentations and projects in the course. Three times per
semester you will be required to speak for 3-5 minutes about a topic given in
the previous class period. They will be relevant to particular topic we are
discussing that week and should help you with your final project. They will
also allow you to hear what your classmates are working on in the course.
your oral presentations, you will be evaluated on the following:
Information in the presentation (interest
level, relevance, etc.)
Organization of the presentation
Clarity of speech (i.e. pronunciation)
Quality of notes you take on your partner’s
you do your community outings, pay particular attention to how you got there,
what people do there, how they converse, and what kinds of people you see
there. Is it a formal place? Do you see a lot of couples? Did people drive
there or take public transportation, if so which kind? Did they walk or ride
their bikes? What particular subculture frequents this destination? You will be
given more guidance on what to look for in future classes (via the reflection
form) but pay attention to these things and what makes them unique when you are
in and around town.
Final Project
the final project in this course, you will be required to choose a community in
Atlanta where you would want to live and/or work if you were to make Atlanta
your home. You will create a television or radio advertisement for this
community, trying to bring others to your living area. You should know who
lives there, what it’s like, and list your reasons for wanting to live there
and why others should live there too. More details will be given later in the
semester, and you will be doing activities throughout the course to help you
decide, but keep this in mind as we progress through the course.
Late Assignment and Make-up Quiz/Exam Policies &
** No late homework assignments will be
accepted and no make-up quizzes or exams will be given unless you
contact me BEFORE the due date. Exceptions
are rare and will only be granted at the instructor’s discretion. The following guidelines will help
you to receive proper credit in certain situations.
I know I will be absent in a future class.
I have an emergency.
It is not a planned absence.
I was absent from class.
the teacher about the date you will miss the class (in person, by phone, or
by email)
your homework or written assignment to the teacher or plan to make-up the
quiz/test BEFORE the day that you have the planned absence.
every effort to contact your teacher BEFORE the class or as soon as
possible. Email her, call her, leave a
must contact me on the day of your absence if you want to receive credit for
homework, written work or make up work
to collect the assignments and information about what you missed from your
instructor or classmates. It is your
responsibility to do this, not the teacher’s responsibility. You must make the effort to complete your
work and learn about what you missed.
to your teacher in person as soon as you return to class.
v Communication
is key (very important)!! If something
is wrong, come and talk to your teacher so that we can work on the problem
v You are
responsible for asking me about any homework, writing assignments, or class
activities you may have missed. When students have emergency situations,
I try to work something out; however, you should take the initiative!
v Please note:
If you call or email your instructor the night before class to ask about the
assignment(s), s/he may not receive your call or email in time to respond to
you before class. Therefore, contacting a classmate may be the best solution.
Attendance Policy (revised April 18, 2013)
In order to make progress and get good
grades, it is very important to attend class regularly. In addition, students with F-1 visas must be
full-time (18 hours) and attend regularly in order to remain in status with the
USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services). Failure to meet the guidelines of the IEP
attendance policy requirements may lead to withdrawal from classes and
termination of F-1 visa status.
Fall and
Spring Semesters
If you attend all your classes 85% of
the time (4 or fewer absences in a TTh class, and 7 or fewer absences in a
MWF class)….
you will
receive a Certificate of Completion
at the end of the semester.
If you are
absent 5 times in a TTh class or 8 times in a MWF class…..
you will NOT
receive a Certificate of Completion
at the end of the semester and you will be placed on Attendance
You will receive an official Attendance
Probation warning from the Assistant Director (by email and mailed to your
home address on GoSolar). You will be expected to come to the IEP office to
review the attendance policy and the consequences of your excessive absences in person.
If you are
absent 7 times in a TTh class and 10 times in a MWF class and have not contacted the IEP office…
you will
automatically be withdrawn from class. F-1 student’s I-20 record will be terminated and you will be out
of status.
The chart above outlines the number of
allowable absences, all of which can be used for illnesses, emergencies,
transportation issues, TOEFL/IELTS test-taking, religious holidays, etc. Students are expected to be in class unless
they are ill or have an emergency. A
student is absent when s/he is not in class for
any reason. There are no excused absences. Please refer to each of your course syllabi regarding
make-up policies for homework, quizzes, tests, etc.
You must arrive on time. If you are not on time, you are tardy. A
tardy of 20 minutes or more is an absence.
Being tardy four times is considered one absence.
Extreme situations (e.g. returning home for a
medical leave of absence) should be discussed with the IEP administration.
important dates of the semester here
Closing of the
case of very bad weather, log onto www.gsu.edu or listen for an announcement on
local TV or radio channels. If the university is closed, tests and planned
lessons will be completed on the next class day.
Georgia State Email
students have a GSU email address (@student.gsu.edu). The IEP and GSU will send you messages to
your GSU email address. You must check your GSU email account
regularly (every day) so you don’t miss important messages from the IEP,
International Student and Scholar Services (about your visa and status), the
Health Clinic, Student Accounts, and other GSU offices.
Cell Phone Policy
phones are to be turned off BEFORE
entering the classroom. Cell phones can
be disruptive and distracting for all members of the class, especially when
someone decides to take a call and exits the classroom. Please have RESPECT for your classmates’ and
your own personal academic time by remembering to turn your phone off. However,
due to the nature of this course we will be using cell phones at certain times
to complete certain assignments. Please be respectful and only use the
applications or websites that are needed to complete the task and be respectful
of your teacher’s time and the time of your fellow classmates.
Student Evaluations
constructive assessment of this course plays an indispensable role in shaping
education at Georgia State University. Upon completing the course, please take
the time to fill out the online course evaluation.
Academic Honesty Policy
University’s policy on academic honesty is published in the Faculty Affairs
Handbook and the Student Handbook, On
Campus (http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwfhb/sec409.html)
available to all members of the University community. Involvement in any of
these activities may result in removal from the course, program, and/or
Special Accommodations
who wish to request accommodation for a disability may do so by registering
with the Office of Disability Services. Students may only be accommodated upon
issuance by the Office of Disability Services of a signed Accommodation Plan
and are responsible for providing a copy of that plan to instructors of all
classes in which accommodations are sought.
This syllabus
provides a general plan for the course.
Changes in this plan may be necessary and can be made at the discretion
of the instructor.
are a list of websites we will be using often and referring to frequently
during the course:
Website: http://www.gsu.edu/
- City of
Atlanta visitor’s guide to the city: https://www.atlanta.com/
- Guide to
Neighborhoods in Atlanta: https://www.atlanta.com/neighborhoods/
- University
websites for local schools:
- Georgia
State (above)
- Georgia
Tech http://www.gatech.edu/
- Kennesaw
State http://www.kennesaw.edu/
- Other
schools you find – Google!
- Various
social media of Atlanta
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Atlanta/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Atlanta/wiki/index
- https://twitter.com/atlredditors
- https://www.facebook.com/atlantaredditors
- https://plus.google.com/communities/114019472912133790446
- https://www.reddit.com/r/GaState
- https://www.reddit.com/r/gatech/
- https://atlanta.craigslist.org/
- http://www.meetup.com/cities/us/30303/
- iTunes U at Georgia State University –
Online lectures, speeches, discussions and GSU news: http://www.gsu.edu/itunesu/index.html
- Academic
Earth – online lectures: http://www.academicearth.org/
- Ted
Talks: http://www.ted.com/talks
Online: http://www.npr.org/
- Open
- Randall’s
ESL Cyber Listening Lab: http://www.esl-lab.com/
- Lecture
Fox – Free Online Lectures: http://www.lecturefox.com/
- Learning
Resources – Literacy Works: http://www.literacyworks.org/learningresources/
- Online
Lectures: http://vsac.cele.nottingham.ac.uk/llistening/
- English
for Academic Purposes Online Listening Guide: http://www.uefap.com/listen/listfram.htm
- Breaking
News English: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/index.html
- English
Language Listening Lab Online: http://www.elllo.org/
Learning English: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/
- American
Rhetoric – Famous Speeches and Movie Speeches: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/
Podcasts: http://www.eslpod.com/website/index.php
- English
Listening Lounge: http://www.englishlistening.com/
Student News: http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/
- American
English Pronunciation Practice: http://www.manythings.org/pp/
- Phonetics: The Sounds of American English: http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset.html
- Better
English: http://www.betteratenglish.com/
- Splendid
Speaking: http://www.splendidspeaking.com/community/listen.html
- Just
Vocabulary: http://www.justvocabulary.com/
- A Hotlist
on Real World Listening: http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listlisteninli.html
- A Guide
to Cooperative Communication Skills:
This course is designed for a three day
per week, one-hour class period. Monday would be a knowledge in-class
discussion day based on readings that students have done for homework –
Wednesday would be an activity day and a “decide on outings day” with a discussion
posting due by Friday before class. Friday would be an outing day, with the
understanding that the outing would start at the time of the class period and
end mid-afternoon. Students would have to agree before taking the class that a
Friday schedule would have to be relatively clear, children would have to be in
daycare, etc. Students would have to agree to take on weekend excursions with
enthusiasm. This would work well with the IEP schedule at GSU if this were a
12-1pm class since students would not have to worry about being back for
another class on Friday. Suggestions are welcome and obviously would have to be
tailored per semester.
Week # and Date
Material Covered
Assessment/Homework Due
to course and classmates; Needs assessment and survey; Atlanta’s geography
and map activities
of academic discussion review or introduction
post due
did you choose Atlanta?
you live ITP or OTP?
do you like/dislike about your community?
Options – Which one is right for you?
will explore the transportation of Atlanta and decide which one is
appropriate for different situations they find themselves in.
posting due – What transportation is most convenient for you in Atlanta and
why? Talk about your daily routine and where you live in relation to the cost
of your given option.
Tourist Attractions; CNN Center, Aquarium, World of Coke; Olympic Park; what
the Olympics did for Atlanta in 1996; Tour of Campus if needed; Johnathan
McNair’s picture activity with the history of Olympic park and what the area
looked like pre-1996/media bias
posting due – which attraction did you visit this weekend? What did you learn
about it?
In-class presentation about Community outing
Look into Atlanta’s History: Readings come from Gone with the Wind and trips
include either Atlanta History Center or The Center for Civil Rights
posting due – Why is it important to keep history in mind when thinking about
why Atlanta is what it is?
Discussion Quiz
in Atlanta: Students always ask “Why are there so many homeless people
downtown?” or something of the like every year. It’s important to take a week
or so here to discuss this question as it relates to international students.
Readings from current sources – (Nickel and Dimed can be one) but ones that
ultimately lead to the conclusion that “all it takes is one unfortunate
event” to be homeless. Discussion would include safety measures and what they
can do to help.
due: Suppose you are an advisor/mentor for a new student to the IEP? What
would you say to a student who asked you why are there so many homeless
people near my school? What would you tell them? Is this different than what
you would have told them when you first arrived in Atlanta? Be sure to site
readings and discussion from this week’s classes.
Buckhead, Old Fourth Ward)
here on, students will learn about these through a variety of readings and
discussion-based activities. They will vote on ONE area to explore and an
activity to do while there during Friday’s class. They will also agree to
explore one of the other areas over the weekend.
to Atlanta’s neighborhoods: teacher will prepare a list with a short
description. In groups, students will read and ask questions about
neighborhoods and come up with a list of questions about each one according
to personal interests. Teacher will allow student exploration. Teacher will
focus on three or four neighborhoods each week to explore and chose a
strategy from Jenni Guse’s Communitive
Activities for EAP for discussion purposes.
posting due – What did you learn (specifically) that you didn’t know last
week? Be sure to post and respond to three of your classmate’s postings (see
guide for an effective post and response).
Park, Inman Park, Morningside, Kirkwood, Virginia Highlands)
Exploration: Intro – Students will be guided through a jigsaw (Guse, 2011,
p.35) of neighborhoods they could explore and communicative activities
–leading them to explore one neighborhood during class (Friday) and one
neighborhood on their own. They can pick an activity here or just complete a
walking tour of the neighborhood.
posting due – What neighborhood did you explore and list three things you
would recommend other classmates do when they are there.
Avondale Estates, East Lake)
“reading strategies” (Guse, 2011, p. 135) Students will be guided through a
series of readings about these neighborhoods – and will complete an
information sheet based on readings that will lead them to decide which of
these they would want to explore as a whole group and which to explore on
their own, with families and friends on the weekend. Discussion will include
transportation there and what kinds of activities you can do there.
posting due – What neighborhood did you explore and list three things you
would recommend other classmates do when they are there.
Park, East Point, Bankhead, and Vine City)
subjectivity to objectivity, p. 201 of Guse – teacher will find readings and
images to present about these areas, letters to the editor, etc. Students
will learn the difference between subjective and objective language when
discussing topics such as these, and determine which is better to use in each
case. Students will also learn about neighborhoods in this area and decide
which one they can explore both as a class and independently.
posting due – What neighborhood did you explore and list three things you
would recommend other classmates do when they are there.
County OTP (Lawrenceville, Snellville, Doraville, Stone Mountain, Buford Hwy,
Gwinnett Braves, etc…)
from ITP to OTP – why do people do it? Interview a person that made the move
from the city to the suburbs and liked it – then interview a person that
lives ITP and likes it – what do they like about each area? Possible outings:
Gwinnett Braves game (depending on season) or lunch out on Buford Hwy –
Buford Hwy farmers market…
posting due – What neighborhood did you explore and list three things you
would recommend other classmates do when they are there.
did you get there and which area so far has been your favorite? Why?
County OTP (Sandy Springs, Roswell, Alpharetta, Chattahoochee River rafting,
from local newspapers from these areas – Sandy Springs Reporter, etc – Word
Relay (Guse, 157)
question – what attracts people to live in these areas? Possible outings –
river tubing (depending on season, hiking, North Point Mall, etc)
posting due – What neighborhood did you explore and list three things you
would recommend other classmates do when they are there.
did you get there and which area so far has been your favorite? Why?
County OTP (Marietta Square, site of the new Braves stadium, Cobb Energy
Center and what performances they can see there, difference between OTP and
ITP will be introduced)
about the new stadium, Cobb Energy Center, local papers, internet websites,
and interviews from residents included here. Possible outings include a walk
around the square, lunch out, an Uber trip with the class to the area or a
park in Smyrna. Joint construction p. 192 (Guse, 2011)
did you like about this area this week? What didn’t you like? Would you be
likely to go here again? Why or Why not?
on hobbies, skills, personal interests
like hiking – where can I go in Atlanta?
want to play soccer – what can I do?
that students have a rough idea of what is in the city, it’s time to put
those skills to good use by choosing an activity that matches their
interests. They will be given resources and have to decide what activity to
participate in – while documenting their decision making process Fish bowl
discussion (p. 199 Guse)
posting due – What neighborhood did you explore and list three things you
would recommend other classmates do when they are there. What did you do
while there? Are you likely to participate in this activity again?
and work on Final Presentations
Wrap Up
Wrap Up
dates in this calendar are a rough plan for the semester and the instructor
waives the right to change dates as she sees fit to best fit the learning needs
of the students.
Appendix B
Questionnaire for Potential
1. Why did you
choose Atlanta to study when you came to the US?
2. Why did you
choose to study in GSU’s Intensive English Program?
3. How did you hear
about the Intensive English Program at GSU?
4. Describe how you
felt on your first week in Atlanta.
5. Did someone help
show you around?
6. What did you
like best when you first moved here?
7. How did you feel
when you first moved here?
8. On a scale of
1-10, how comfortable do you feel with Atlanta and your language abilities
9. What specific
problems have you encountered since being in the city?
10. What do you wish
someone had told you before coming to Atlanta?
11. What were/are
your favorite things to do?
12. Do you think
that the IEP should offer a course about Atlanta and how to integrate into the
culture here? Why or why not?
13. Would you take
such a course? Why or why not?
14. Have you studied
anywhere else in Atlanta?
15. What else do you
want to know about Atlanta that you don’t already know?
Appendix C
Questions for Teachers, Administrators, and Activities
Coordinators of the IEP
Do you think a course such as this would be
valuable? Why or why not?
How do you think this would fit in to a program
What do you think should be the primary goal of
students who come to study in Atlanta?
What have you encountered as the primary problem
of students who are in your classes?
Tell me a little bit about your students. What is
their primary concern here?
Why would you like them to take a course such as
Tell me a little bit about the curriculum of the
classes you teach? How do you see a course such as this fitting into that
curriculum, or do you?
Talk about your experience in Atlanta. Are you a
native? Would you be willing to share some Atlanta stories with students as a
guest speaker or provide material for the class in some way? What’s your
favorite place in Atlanta?
What do you do in your free time?
10. What do you
think is the most important thing for an international student to know about
Atlanta? Or to know in General? What would you like for a course such as this
to get across?
11. What advice do
you have for teacher of a course such as this?
12. Have you taught
this at other institutions, and if so what do you think the ideal course size
is for a course such as this?
Appendix D
Questionnaire for Community Members and Business Owners
How long have you been in the Atlanta area?
Would you be willing to host a group of
international students learning English in your business if we promised to be
What does your business bring to the community?
What is your favorite thing to do in Atlanta?
Why are you willing to help in this way?
What advice do you have for an international
student in Atlanta? Why?
How can we help you in any way as a way of saying
thanks for your help?
What are your plans? Are you going to stay in
Atlanta? Why or why not?
If you have experience with international
students in your business, what is one thing you would like for them to learn
or do in the future that would make your life better?
10. How do you think
Atlanta rates for international students and why? How can we improve?
Appendix E
Questionnaire for Currently Enrolled Students
You are taking this class because you want to
improve your English. Is this true? What do you wish to improve the most?
Do you like learning English? Why?
What do you find the most difficult in
communicating with people around Atlanta? (You can circle more than one and
feel free to elaborate.)
a. Grammar
b. Accents
c. Idioms
d. Sentence
e. Handling
g. Something else? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How often do you communicate with native English
a. At school only
b. At school and an
hour or two outside of class
c. Sometimes
d. Never
What are some situations in Atlanta you would
like to practice or get better with?
What have you done WELL in Atlanta?
How long have you studied English?
Why are you studying English?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Appendix F
Places to Gather Linguistic Information (Brochures,
Pamphlets, Photos)
1. Aquarium
2. CNN Center
3. Coffee Shops
4. Centennial Park
5. Museums
6. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
7. Piedmont Park
8. Restaurants around Campus
9. Restaurants off Campus
10. Woodruff Park/Hurt Park
11. MARTA Busses and Trains
13. Verizon/T-Mobile/ATT for Cell phone service hook
14. Banks/Bank Account info
Anonymous . (2016). Needs Analysis for a South Korean EFL
Broadcast News Program. Atlanta : Georgia State University .
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S., Wu, K., & Lee, J. (2012). Designing and evaluating a genre-based
technical communication course incorporating a task-based model of
instruction. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 20-44
Cortes, V. (2016). Needs Analysis: ESP for Royal
Caribbean Cruise Lines Employees . Atlanta : Georgia State University .
J. (2011). Communicative Activities for
ESP. Cambridge University Press.
L., Reppen, R., & Vasquez, C. (2007). Bringing the outside world into an
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D. M. (1979). Procedure: The key to developing an ESP curriculum. TESOL Quarterly,
13(3), 383-391.
P. G. (1991). Analyzing student needs in designing specific-purposes language
syllabuses. Language Learning Journal, 3, 73-77.
E., Kirschner, M., & Wexler, C. (2001). Designing EAP reading courses at
the university level. English for Specific Purposes, 20(4), 367-386.
A., James, R., & Kijima, K. (2005). Beyond needs analysis: Soft systems
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thanks to Allison Camacho, Dianna Wrenn, Johnathan McNair, and Mondo Davis (all
affiliated with the IEP at GSU) – who all contributed their time and ideas to
this project.
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